Be What You Want to See
When the world feels adrift in fear, chaos and confusion, it’s important to remember that you have the power to change it.
You are a light
With might
You are both a physical and an energetic being. Your physical body is housed within a vast energetic field that is powered by your heart – heart chakra. The energy of the heart chakra is love. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. This power lies with you.
Be what you
Want to see
If you wish for more peace, love, joy or acceptance in the world, become it. Focus on creating more peace, love, joy or acceptance within you. Ask your heart for guidance and support. Your energy field is a mirror of what you are feeling, doing and being. Embracing greater peace, love, joy and acceptance in you and your life allows your field to harmonize and hold these energies. Radiating them out into world.
Never underestimate
The power of thee
Creating a vast rippling effect that will help lift others out of fear, chaos and confusion and into the higher frequencies of love and peace. Ultimately building collective energy fields of peace, love, joy and acceptance. As these collective fields grow and expand, it becomes harder for war, hate, despair and intolerance to exist.
You are the power
You are the change