
A close-up image of a frog

I woke up with a general feeling of malaise. My life is like the movie Ground Hog Day- same routine every single day. I can’t take it anymore! I love to explore and I’ve been grounded for well over two years. The walls of the house are closing in on me. I grab my exercise ball, bands and weights and head outside. Nature always invigorates me especially coupled with an endorphin rush. It’s hot and I need shade. The sugar maple in the front yard casts large, dark shadow on the lawn. I drop the gear, press my iPod and Zella Day blasts into my ears. First up are bands; the crab apple tree is perfect for arms and single leg squats. Three sets of each down and I head over to the ball leaning on the bench under the sugar maple. The sweat is rolling off me and the shade feels delicious. I lay down on the ground to catch my breath. The soft grass coupled with the pull of mother earth unexpectedly soothes me in a deeply nurturing way. Peace leaches gently into me. I glance up at the maple leaves overhead swaying with the breeze, sunlight peaking through to join the dance. It’s so simple, so beautiful. A smile spreads across my face. I really only needed to travel a few steps from my front door.

#cancer, #caregiver, #stemcelltransplant, #energyhealing, #hope, #peace, #grief, #energyhealer, #kerryjones

Katie Bolin

Creative designer with a love for color. Web design, development & digital marketing for ecommerce, businesses, authors, artists, professionals, and more.


