Magical Places

An image of a pathway leading to a home's blue door

At party this summer, the hostess inquired, “what is your happy place?” I drew a blank as guests named far flung destinations or family retreats. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that it suddenly dawned on me that I lived in mine.

What makes it special? The land is spacious and serenely beautiful. A large grass field (former apple orchard) surrounded by pine forests seduces you into quieting, slowing and slipping into sync with nature’s rhythm. Everyone from guests to UPS drivers remark on the peacefulness. They shift down a gear and linger. The dry cleaner often enjoys lunching in his van facing the back field. Animals sense it too. They love to mate, raise their young and just hang out here.

No one ever forgets Lord’s Lot, it’s energy remains with you. The magic resides in the energy’s healing nature: nurturing, grounding, quieting and balancing. This place held and healed me. Its energy lulled me into stillness while nurturing my timid introspection. It taught me that I can create balance and a sense of peace in the midst of turmoil and catastrophe. It made me feel safe enough to face my fears and slowly move through them.

Magical places come into our lives when we need them most. Their energy helps us shift and grow.

Lord’s Lot prepared me for my next chapter which is surprisingly different in many ways. My new home is a tiny victorian style house on a busy street with a postage stamp size yard. The property has a playful, feminine energy that's reflected in it's new name -The Dollhouse. Its energy is encouraging me to live in greater ease, flow, play, femininity and endless possibilities.

Where is your happy place? What is the energy of your magical place teaching you to move into?

Not sure? I can reveal it or steer you in the right direction. Wouldn't you like a magical place in your life?

#magicalplaces, #happyplaces, #specialplace, #healingplace, #healingspace, #energy, #magicalenergy, #movement, #shift, #support, #grow, #growth, #expansion, #energyhealing, #energyhealer, #kerryjones

Katie Bolin

Creative designer with a love for color. Web design, development & digital marketing for ecommerce, businesses, authors, artists, professionals, and more.



Love Radically