Create A Beautiful Day


As I woke up this morning I heard, “It’s a beautiful day”. A gentle reminder from my higher self to create a beautiful day through intention.

 Intention is a powerful energy, much stronger than a hope or a wish. It is driver energy with force, like an arrow hitting a target. Sending the message it’s a beautiful day to your mind, body, spirit, and the Universe. Aligning everything in you and around to support the intention.

 To engage this potential of support, you must embody the intention – say, feel and act upon it. Action signals a “yes” to the Universe, you are ready to receive. Support comes in many forms, be open to all – like a delightful surprise.

 Try to create intentions that are kind, loving and expansive. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Combining the energy of love and expanse with your intention invites greater support and opening for many types of assistance. For example, you could invite more ease into your day/life, maybe the clarity and passion to complete a project or to just have more fun!  You can set intentions for the day, week, month or year ahead.

To assist you with creating intentions in your life, work with the following energy activation until setting intentions become an easy, regular practice in your life.

Let your intention be

A new way

Of loving thee

 It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world at large or immediately around you. You can always enhance your life through the power of intention. It is an energetic tool! Use it to create a beautiful day, every day.






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