Driver Seat
Ok I’ll admit it, I flipped him the bird. Driving on Brimbal Ave is a nightmare. No one understands the rules of the rotary; the person in the rotary has the right of way! The constant barrage of ignorant motorists who attempt to cut me off is exhausting and annoying.
Last week, a black truck repeated this offense. The enraged driver honked non-stop while tailgating several inches off my rear bumper. Exasperated, I flipped him the bird. The tailgating and horn ceased but I was livid. So who was really suffering here? Me. Something had to change.
Yesterday, the exact same scenario presented itself. The idea “do the opposite” literally popped into my head. I chose to expand rather than contract by opening my heart. I was surprised by the tremendous wave of compassion that flooded into my heart for the offender. Compassion turned into gratitude as I exited the rotary with my peaceful mood intact. Expansion kept me in driver’s seat of my life. What keeps you in yours?
#driversseat, #expansion, #heartopening, #compassion, #energyhealing #energyhealer #kerryjones