Silly Is Underrated


The road to joy comes from many places. Embrace them all!

While sitting on my granite front step eating a picnic lunch, a squirrel darted across the yard and stopped a few feet in front of me. He gazed at me playfully while shaking his tail in an amusing and unusual manner. “Omg, he’s strutting his stuff!” My silly kicked right in - I shook a tail feather right back at him! To my surprise, we continued this hilarious exchange half a dozen times.

Prior to the seduction, I was feeling flustered about work and all in my head. In a shake of a tail, the squirrel brought me into joy. 

Let silly be

A way in

For thee

Animals just like children know how to be playful and silly! Just watch baby fawns prancing, young bucks sparring or dolphins and seals frolicking in waves. Our pets and children eagerly try to engage us in type of play. These beautiful beings teach and remind us that it only takes a second for silly to bring you to joy.

Never underestimate the power of silly. Laughing is cathartic, allowing release while blasting joy through your entire body. Soothing the nervous system and opening your heart. Silly is an expression of joy that is contagious! Rippling out and sparking one heart after another.

Let silly ignite your joy and all of those around you! Give it a try!


Power of Play


The Gift of the Unknown