The Gift of the Unknown


Have you ever been in the unknown? If so, what is your relationship with it? Is it something you fear and try to avoid? Or do you love and embrace it?

The unknown is a space where you are held. In a divine cocoon for growth, expansion and movement. It’s a gift of holding until you or the world around you are ready.

Yet, it is often perceived as a stalled place of uncertainty or unease, not knowing if you’re lost or paused and why. Comfort comes with recognition, understanding that the unknown is just a gestation period of sorts to heal, grow or wait for the “right or divine” timing for things to come in for you. This could be months or moments.


Even when

You don’t know

Don’t worry, nothing is wrong. Things are motion -  you and everything around you. Even if it doesn’t feel that way. Be with the unknown, trusting that the “ah ha”, direction, knowing or materialization will eventually arrive. Pay attention to your heart, focus on the things, people and places that expand it. Trust, relax and flow with it.


Lives in

This space

Enjoy this time! In the unknown, you can become, dream and be. Flowing and expanding into greater selflove and faith in yourself. .


Silly Is Underrated


Dragonfly Medicine