Dragonfly Medicine
Dragonfly asks you to look at things in a new way. And consider if there is something getting in your way?
What if you open up to new ways of being and seeing without the lens of fear. What if you let all the illusions disappear? Only love and light appear.
Take flight
Without fright
Illusions are just fear playing out in your life. They show up as fears, beliefs, behaviors and stories that keep you stuck, playing it small — out of the full expression of yourself. Learn how to prevent illusions from sidetracking the pursuit your dreams — your joy!
Are collusions
Of the mind
1. Identify illusions
· Is this real? Do you absolutely know this true or real?
· Is it true for you, or is it something you picked up, heard or inherited?
· What happens when you believe this belief, emotion, behavior or story? What effect does it have on your life?
2. Create a new reality
· What if the illusions disappeared? What would life look like? Feel like? How might you act differently? How might you be?
· What would you like to embrace instead? Maybe the opposite of this belief, emotion, behavior or action? It’s polarity. For example, the polarity of fear is trust, hate is love, sadness is joy, scarcity is abundance and control is surrender or flow.
3. Embrace it
· Create a mantra for your new emotion, behavior or belief, using the first person and present tense. Here are some examples: I trust me. I love me. I am joyful. I flow easily and effortlessly with life.
· Take one baby step each day to reinforce this new way of being. For example, you might hug yourself and feel the selflove, or treat yourself to something that feels abundant, and maybe add one joyful experience to your day.
· Journal to explore more possibilities for the “new” you while celebrating all the new behaviors, actions, emotions and experiences.
Teachers are all around us. Let them help you move into your fullest expression!
Let the gossamer wings
Remind thee
To take flight