Happy Healthy Whole


Learning to live in harmony begins with your thoughts. What do you tell yourself? What kind of thoughts are you feeding yourself?

Are your thoughts loving, gentle and encouraging? “I love me” and “It’s ok” or “I can”. Or are they critical, demanding and negative? Like “that’s not good enough” or “work harder” and “I’ll never be happy”.

Your thoughts help shape your reality. What reality do you want to create? Thinking positive thoughts helps to create positive outcomes, experiences and outlook. And vice versa. Worrying thoughts generate anxiety and fear.  Happy thoughts seed joy.

Everyone needs a cheerleader! Learn to become your own cheerleader by nourishing yourself with positive thoughts.

Let your thoughts be

An expression of love

For thee

A great way to train the mind to think positively is through mantra, a Sanskrit word that means tool for the mind. Mantra is a word or phrase that is repeated out loud to ingrain a new thought, idea or action. By creating new, neural pathways in the mind with the new positive thought or belief.  Feeling the mantra while saying it enhances the integration process through the engagement and support of your heart and love. For example, when working with the mantra “I am happy”, try to feel happiness as you’re saying it. You could imagine a person, place or memory that makes you happy. Now you are experiencing happiness while saying it, informing your mind and body that this is a good thing. It’s safe and feels great! The more you work with this mantra, the more comfortable you’ll become with this new way of being. You’ll begin to notice you’re feeling happy more often!   

One of my favorite mantras is “I am happy, healthy and whole.” It informs all of you (physical, emotional, mental and energetic) that you are in balance and harmony. I say it every morning in shower, it’s a great way to start the day!

How would you like to nourish yourself? Create a mantra with the first thing that pops into your mind. Use the present tense, like “I love me.” Say it out loud while feeling it. Repeat the mantra three times. Try playing with your mantra several times a day. Then be in the noticing, your thoughts will begin to shift to become more supportive and loving, moving you into greater harmony!



